Christians often struggle with sin that just keeps coming back with seemingly no way out. Here are some strategies for fighting the cycle of sin.
Christians often struggle with sin that just keeps coming back with seemingly no way out. Here are some strategies for fighting the cycle of sin.
Do you know what God wants from you? Guest author Kyle Smith leads us through a study in Romans on just that.
Do you try to play God with your life? Todd Kavanaugh explains why it just won't work.
Sharing Christ doesn't have to be a scary thing. Here are some suggestions for building relationships with non-Christians to do just that.
“How is it that Christianity…is constantly portrayed by candy and gifts, while all other holidays seem to find an underlying moral or religious conviction as their basis?”
Are you using talents or hiding them? No matter what they are, God wants to use them. Will you let him?
I sat down to write an article on living in the Christian bubble, and found something better.
Regardless of political party, as Christians, we are commanded to respect and honor the authorities and leaders over us.
“In our society not everyone is deemed worthy, not everyone is accepted…we reserve our admiration for a select few who have been blessed from birth with the characteristics we value most highly.”
Are you trying to be Superman or Wonder Woman? Maybe it's time you evaluated your committments.