Are there symbols of righteousness or goodness that you seek over the grace of God?
Are there symbols of righteousness or goodness that you seek over the grace of God?
If there was an MVP given to one of the disciples, I bet Peter would have won it.
Before the latest best-selling novel hits the shelves, the author has written the whole story…
It’;s so easy to crush. But is it right? Jeremy Smith shares about his high school crush and what he’s learned.
The consumer mentality from American culture has slowly seeped into the church. Does it affect you? What can you do about it?
Do you ever have recurring spiritual questions? What do you do with them? Jeremy Smith gives some advice.
There are plenty of ways to strengthen your faith online. Read about nine of them and check out the sites Deeper Devotion's Jeremy Smith found for each.
In reponse to a recent question we received, here’s a roundup of software for fighting pornography online.
In the first of our new Ask Deeper Devotion series, Jeremy Smith answers a question on methods for prayer journaling.
What is a Christian’s relationship with the environment supposed to look like? Does it matter how we treat the earth?