Psalm 9:1
“I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.”
There’s nothing like seeing a life that has been totally changed by Jesus. I love hearing people tell their stories of how they used to live for earthly pleasures, until they finally realized that they kept filling themselves, but only found themselves more and more empty. Then comes that glorious moment! An encounter with Christ that forever changes them. From that moment on, they walk different, they talk different, and they sometimes even look different. Aaah…it’s a beautiful thing.
What’s most beautiful about it is that a change like this can only happen when a real God makes a real move in someone’s life. Witnessing this can’t help but strengthen your faith. I know it strengthens mine. Loneliness, aimlessness, and desperation are turned into joy, awe, and peace.
Some testimonies are not as drastic as others. I personally do not have a haunting past. However, I cannot deny changes that have taken place in my life that are truly miraculous. We must remember that any testimony glorifies God. It has to, because it is a reflection of His goodness. So, tell your story. Think of some of the moments where you cannot deny the hand of God. Share them with others and be blessed remembering how wonderful our Father really is.