Tell A Friend about Deeper Devotion! It's quick, painless, and might even create a warm, fuzzy feeling deep inside you.
Tell A Friend about Deeper Devotion! It's quick, painless, and might even create a warm, fuzzy feeling deep inside you.
So That's Why Starbucks Has So Many Customers Study shows Starbucks coffee contains twice as much caffeine than Folgers, 56% more than 7-Eleven's.
A great big “Thanks” to Corallie Thornton for providing last week's devotions. Kristie and I took a much needed trip to Florida. If you're interested in submitting a devotion of your own, check out our guidelines for doing so. It's good to be back.
The ultimate symbol of Easter is the empty tomb, the resurrected Christ having defeated death and sin by rising again.
The Mission “I can't believe this! It was weird enough when Jesus actually became one of THEM. But THIS can't be part of the plan! I don't know if I can follow these orders.”
If I Had Faked the Resurrection… “If I had been some first-century propagandist trying to fake the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I would have done a number of things differently.”
What's With the Dudes at the Door? Watch out for cultic beliefs. (Brio)
SOULED OUT SKATER “Skateboarding is not a crime—it’s actually a great way to witness. Just ask 19-year-old Lofton Pillow.” (Breakaway)
I'd like to welcome all our new guests from Southeast Baptist Church in Greensboro, NC. It was a joy speaking at your Sunday Night Live event. Enjoy the site.