There's no time like the present.
There's no time like the present.
“Do not judge.” This has to be one of the most historically misunderstood verses in the Bible.
Nothing will restore the soul like the word of God.
Which one challenges you the most?
My struggle to depend on God for all of my needs isn’t because I think I can provide for myself, but because I refuse to bow to His Lordship over my life.
I prayed that the Lord would speak to you today… more importantly I prayed that you would hear His voice.
When you pray or read your Bible in public, are you seeking to “glorify your Father in heaven,” or to be noticed by those around you?
Anticipation is a wonderful feeling. I’m not sure if it is even possible to describe the emotional state one reaches when true anticipation sets in on his or her soul.
Just as the intoxicated man fails to walk a straight line for the cop, too many Christians are far from the straight and narrow path commanded by the Lord.
Jesus didn’t die so that you could be comfortable and well-adjusted.