We were in the hospital the other day and I saw a Marine on crutches hobbling down the hall. I asked him, “How you doing?” “Hurting,” he said. That was it. I just left him alone, to hobble and to hurt.
We were in the hospital the other day and I saw a Marine on crutches hobbling down the hall. I asked him, “How you doing?” “Hurting,” he said. That was it. I just left him alone, to hobble and to hurt.
Man is the same he has been since the fall. Sinful.
I had the opportunity to attend a conference a couple of weeks ago. Third year in a row…
Most of my life is marked by things that I have absolutely no control over. Although I have prided myself on being a man in control of his surroundings, the truth is I am not.
Have you ever been “sifted like wheat”? Guest author Jeff Fields offers a challenge for when you are.
The fruit of the Spirit aren't just going to magically appear in your life whenever you want them to…they have to be grown through obedience.
With so many denominations out there, it almost seems like Jesus is the bachelor on a dating game show…which bride will he choose? Aren't we all one bride of Christ?