Psalm 19:1
The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
The glory of God is found throughout Scripture. His glory can be observed from Genesis to Revelation, making itself evident to men and women. It’s seen in the creation of the earth, in the exodus from Egypt, and in the delivering of the 10 commandments. You may observe the glory of the Lord throughout the Psalms, the Prophets, and into the New Testament. Jesus Christ became the glory of God in human flesh. His glory is seen at the cross, the resurrection, the coming of the Holy Spirit, and once again in John’s vision of things Christ’s return: the book of Revelation.
If you were to look up the phrase, “the glory of God” in a Bible concordance, you would find over 300 verses pertaining to it. God’s glory is a vital part of the Scripture; but is a vital part of your Christian walk? It should be. Paul commands us to, “Do everything to the glory of God.”
You are a key component in God’s plan to reveal His glory to the lost. Located between the coming of the Holy Spirit and the book or Revelation mentioned above, you should be an everyday, walking and breathing testimony to His Shekinah glory. Have you been allowing God to use you as an instrument of His glory? Can His majesty be witnessed by the way you talk, the things you do, and the joy in your heart? Make no mistake; His glory will continue to be revealed throughout all of eternity. That does not, however, give you the excuse to put it on hold within your life.