Psalm 32:3
When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night Thy hand was heavy upon me; my vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer.
Just as a secret kept from your best friend will ruin that bond, so will unconfessed sin destroy your relationship with the Lord. Unlike your friend, however, the Lord knows your every thought and action.
Before you were a Christian, you knew no better than to sin. It was natural for you to do so, and for the large part, you enjoyed it. Now however, the Spirit of God lives within you. You are a new creation, a saint in the eyes of a holy God. When you sin against Him, it is His Spirit that convicts you of your wrongdoings. To withhold your sins from the God that convicted you is to call Him a liar, refusing to admit what you both know is true.
Such actions can lead to nothing more than the wasting away of the body and the draining of all vitality that King David mentions in his Psalm. It is only natural that you will continue to feel the Lord’s hand upon you, heavier and heavier, until you can withstand it no longer. This is both His discipline and His love being forced upon you. He knows you have sinned; you know you have sinned, and your relationship with Him will be fruitless until there is a reckoning between the two of you. I urge you to wait no longer. There is no excuse for those who choose to keep silent in their sin… only conviction.