1 Timothy 4:1-5
No author, speaker, pastor or preacher should be held up as infallible. We run the risk of being deceived if we don’t take every teaching in with a critical ear… that includes the material you read here. We must be on constant alert as we pursue holiness. Satan is not opposed to defaming the name of Jesus by placing false teachers in your path or even in your church. Paul is warning Timothy of this, yet again. Any teaching that ties your righteousness to Jesus + something or Jesus – something is a sure sign of unbiblical teaching. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus alone is your means to righteousness.
We must continually evaluate everything that influences our relationship with God. The only standard by which these influences should be measured is the word of God. We must resist the urge to blindly and wholeheartedly place our faith in anything other than Jesus. Our faith is in Jesus alone or it is an unbiblical faith.
It is naive and dangerous to believe that anyone who invokes the name of Jesus is speaking the truth. We must be critical of anyone who teaches one thing but lives his or her life in opposition to what they teach.
The important thing to realize here is that there are false teachers around us. There are men and women who purposely teach a gospel contrary to the gospel of Jesus. There also exist teachings that do not seek purposely to deceive us but teach false truths due to a lack of study or a lack of personal integrity to the truth. If we are not aware of this we increase the risk of being deceived.
How will we know when we are being taught unbiblical truths if we do not continually and whole-heartedly devote ourselves to reading the Bible?
If you spend more time and place more weight on anything other than the Bible for spiritual instruction – including this web site – you are at serious risk of being led astray. Spend time in the word. Evaluate everything against it. Speak up when you hear unbiblical teaching.
Be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him and stand firm in the faith. – 1 Peter 5:8