Ephesians 5:27
That He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless.
I wonder what images first come to your mind upon hearing the words holy and blameless. Do you think of God the Father? Who could be holier than the one from which the concept was derived? The word blameless is largely synonymous with the person of Jesus Christ. There exists not one soul who has lived a life as blameless as the Son of God. How pure and spotless our God and Savior must be! You too are called to imitate the Lord in His purity.
There is no excuse for a life that is lived undisciplined before the Lord. His precepts and commands come not out of His supreme power over us, but rather, flow forth from His perfect character. Stealing is not wrong simply because God decided it should be; stealing is wrong because it is contrary to the very nature of God. Love is a virtue not because God decided to make love right and hatred wrong but because love is the very nature of God. Every sin you commit and every temptation you yield to results in much more than the transgression of a commandment. Every hateful word, every lustful thought, and every prideful notion is a direct contradiction to the character of God. In effect, you are standing up to your Creator and Savior saying, “I will not be holy or blameless before You. I willfully set aside both Your commandments and Your character from my life.” The contrast between our complacency and God’s pain is unimaginable when it comes to the importance of living a holy life.
While we are currently able to distant ourselves from this reality, the book of Ephesians reminds us that there will come a day when Christ returns to collect His bride who is the church. His death on the cross was so that we might be justified and sanctified before Him and His Father. His commands are clear and His return is inevitable. Will you be ready for Him to present as holy and blameless before the Lord? Those who are found living lives of impurity will have no excuse. Are they to say that Christ’s death wasn’t enough for their sanctification? I should hope not. The next time you hear the words holy and blameless I pray that they will be in reference to your character as well as the Lord’s.