Ephesians 3:20
Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us.
I wonder how often I’ve failed the Lord because of my unbelief. I’ve always considered myself to have a large amount of faith in the power of God. Nonetheless, the Apostle Paul says that the power of God working within us is able to do abundantly more than we ask or think. This verse becomes an amazing testimony to the power of God when you take a moment to examine it. Regardless of how powerful and able you believe God is in a certain situation, His true strength will always be greater than you imagined. How wonderfully incomprehensible!
I am reminded of the time Jesus fed the five thousand. The disciples had no clue that He was about to feed so many people with such little food. His power and His ability stretched far beyond their reason or logic. In the same manner, Jesus restored sight to a blind man, forgave a tax collector, and was raised from the grave after three days. This power, strength, and ability is living and active within the heart of every believer. The same God who called Lazarus out of his grave and turned water into wine is our source for strength. I wonder how often I’ve failed the Lord because of my unbelief.
It’s great to think of this power and strength in me when I imagine the many different obstacles I will be able to overcome because of His presence in my life. How often, though, do I allow this gift to go unused in the presence of hurt and need? How often do I resist the Spirit’s calling on my life because I feel to “weak” or “unqualified” for the task? Look around you. There are hurting individuals everywhere you go. You’re best friend has issues that you fear to bring up in conversation. Your next door neighbor has family problems, but who are you to offer counsel and a listening ear? I can only imagine the Father’s discouragement as He looks across creation longing to reach those in need, but unable to find anyone willing to be His voice. We are His vessels. We are the means by which God the Father can minister to those around us… and yet we resist the sound of His requests. And why? Is it because we feel inadequate to the task? It is because we feel unqualified? Be encouraged! “He is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us!” Someone once told me, “God never calls the qualified, but rather, He qualifies the called.” It may be cliché and sound oversimplified, but it’s the truth. Regardless of how great and mighty your understanding of the Lord is, it doesn’t measure up to the true greatness of His strength… and that strength is living within you and me! You will always be able to do what He asks.
Thank You Lord, for your amazing promises. I thank You for your power and Your strength. Forgive me for being so ignorant and unbelieving that I quench the Holy Spirit’s working in both my life and the lives of those around me. I pray that you would give me the wisdom, motivation, and faith to trust that I can reach out in Your name to those around me.