Recently, we were asked if we knew of any software available to help people fight pornography online. In answer, here’s a roundup of the best software solutions we could find.
The two main types of software available today are filtering software and accountability software. Filtering software takes a continually updated list of banned sites (provided by the creator of the software) and blocks the user from being able to go to those sites. Accountability software also uses a list of banned sites, but instead of blocking the user from the site, it tracks all the sites a user goes to and then emails a report of either all sites or banned sites to accountability partners at regular intervals (every two weeks, every month, etc.).
In my opinion, filtering software will work well for family computers where children will be using the Web. But the site lists are not foolproofthere will always be new sites and new ways to get around a filter. Accountability software takes the point of view that you don’t need to be restricted from sites, but rather that you should be held accountable for what sites you do visit, with the hope that you would be deterred or that you would confess before the sites were reported to your accountability partners.
In both cases, when it comes to fighting pornography addictions, I believe there is danger in believing that installing any of these types of programs will suddenly solve the problem. The programs can, at best, be seen as a helpful tool in fighting pornography. The real problem lies in the heart, and that’s where it must be dealt with, through confession, repentance, counseling, and accountability, with growing desire to surrender every part of one’s self to the power of Christ.
The list below is not nearly exhaustive, but these are some of the most well known programs out there, many which are specifically for Christians. (Accountability software, by nature, is designed for Christians.)
Filtering Software
Safe Eyes
Cost: $49.95
Platforms: Windows, Mac
Bsafe Online Inernet Filter
Cost: $49.95 / year
Platforms: Windows only
Cost: $39.95 / year
Platforms: Windows only
Cost: $69.95
Platforms: Mac only
Accountability Software
Cost: Free
Platforms: Windows, Mac coming soon
Covenant Eyes
Cost: $6.99 / month
Platforms: Windows only
Eye Promise
Cost: $6.99 / month
Platforms: Windows only
As I mentioned, I believe these programs are only a helpful tools. Here are some other helpful tips:
- Put your computer in a place where anyone can see the monitor and see what sites you are visiting at any time. If this is at home, make a spot in the living room for the computer. If this is at work, position your desk so that coworkers can see your screen.
- If possible, do your Web surfing when you know others will be around.
- If you don’t have an accountability partner, find one. Be open about temptations, confess sin and pray for each other.
- Emotions and feelings can often affect your judgment. If pornography is a temptation for you, avoid surfing the Web when you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired. Go find someone to spend time with. (If you have an accountability partner, call them up—they will understand and be glad that you did.)