“She went over 210 text messages!! She already gets 100 included in the plan, but she went 210 on top of that!” My coworker was describing her teenage daughter, and I was just as shocked as she was to learn the extent of her recent text messaging. 310 text messages? How is that possible? Where do you find the time? “She’d better not be doing it in class!” my coworker exclaimed. At that moment I realized that class was exactly where she was text messaging, and I wondered to myself whether I would have been able to resist the temptation in high school.
It was hard enough without today’s technology to have integrity in school. I remember actually believing that it was okay to cheat with your friends. Mind you, I was a Christian and a leader in my Bible club. Despite that “holiness,” I never even questioned whether my cheating was a lack of integrity.
I can only hope that students today are not as naïve as I was about right and wrong. However, I realize that technology today opens the door to entirely new temptations that can lead to losing your integrity. From using the camera feature on your phone to “memorize” answer keys to playing games or getting online during a computer lab, there are many ways to lose focus and dishonor the Lord.
As far as text messaging, it is equivalent to sitting and having a chat with your friend in the middle of class, and not only is that rude, but it defeats the whole purpose of why you are in school.
Beware of these temptations that will not only distract you from learning, but will threaten your integrity. Remember, the world is watching you, and it’s essential that the integrity of Christ, who lives in you, shines through. New technology isn’t bad in of itself, just be sure that you are enjoying it at the right time and place, and not in a situation that will cost you your integrity.
“Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.” Ephesians 4:1