Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Being a follower of Jesus Christ, there are times when He calls us to go places we have not chosen for ourselves. Sometimes it’s into missions in a foreign land or to seminary when we have no money to attend. Or it may be to a job we really didn’t want because we had different ideas or into a circumstance we would rather be removed from. Sometimes we want to ask God “did you really intend for me to be here? Now?” Yet God has a way of revealing afterwards that He had us just where He wanted us all along, we just couldn’t see it yet.
Surrendering to God entails more than most of us realize… especially when we try to influence Gods plans for us with selfish motivations. Can you imagine that the God who hung every star in the sky, in its perfect place, who dug out the seas in perfect positions, who set the mountains upright for us to behold His majesty, would say that He has a plan for my life? I am significant enough for God to not only recognize who I am, but to love me enough to set things in order that I cannot see so that our lives can glorify and honor Him.