Acts 9:18-19
Then he got up and was baptized. Afterward he ate some food and was strengthened.
Paul had been without sight for 3 days. He had experienced an encounter unlike any other. He didn’t have a copy of the Bible with him to read ahead and find out that he would regain his sight in 3 days. He could have believed he would never see again. No wonder he also went without food and water. It probably wasn’t because there wasn’t any. Who could eat after an experience like that?
Fortunately, that wasn’t the end of Paul’s story. The word tells us that Ananias (a believer in Damascus) was sent to Paul in order for him to get his sight back and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Surely enough, God provides those two things and what is the first thing Paul does? He gets right with God. Then, he eats. He’s gone three days without food or water, however his relationship with God is more important than that.
Every day that we wake up we have been redeemed and blessed by God. Will you choose at that very first moment of awareness to get right with God versus getting ready or having breakfast?
so true. the day even goes smoother when i do that. why do i incessantly forget my good habits and remember my bad ones? i suppose the human condition must strive harder for the good than it must for the bad.