Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.
Obedience is a difficult pill to swallow… especially when in reference to your parents. The Lord really isn’t concerned with the difficulty though. True to His character, He is ultimately concerned with your faithfulness to His command. With this in mind, obedience and honor before your mother and father are cast in a completely different light. Disrespecting you father or disobeying you mother will not only carry the burden of their punishment, but the wrath of God as well.
Will you truly experience the wrath of God for simply disobeying your parents? Are such strong words needed for such small sins? Regardless of how extreme this may appear to you, I can promise that any confusion is solely due to your ignorance of the situation. Passages such as Eph. 6:1, Col. 3:20, and Ex. 20:12 make it abundantly clear that the disobedient child does more than simply defy his parents’ authority; he defies the command of the Lord in his life. Rejection of God’s Word will always result in consequences. While one may sneak out of the house without mom or dad ever finding out, she is foolish to believe that the Lord has neither noticed nor taken offense to the her defiance.
Are you still not convicted of the Lord’s sincerity concerning this situation? I encourage you to read either Deuteronomy 27:16 or Proverbs 30:17, both of which warn of unspeakable curses to disobedient children. Is the Old Testament of no value to you? What about the words of Jesus Himself? Mathew 15:4 speaks promises of death to children who neither obey or honor their parents. The undisputed message of all these references is that God takes great concern in the manner you respect your parents’ authority.
Finally let me encourage you with one more reminder. As alluded to in Ephesians 6:2, the fifth commandment (Exodus 20:12) offers great promises to those who honor their father and mother. “Honor your father and mother that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.” How greatly do you honor your parents? I find nothing in the Bible concerning the difficulty of honoring them or the state of their character. The truth is simple: your Lord takes great offense to those who fail to obey their parents because it is a direct defiance against His word as well. Yet on the other hand, He takes much pleasure in the child that seeks to honor and obey their father or mother. If your parents are difficult to obey or are lacking in godly character this is of no excuse. It only provides more cause for you (as a Christian) to honor them before God.
Well somehow I think if your parents aren’t christians and they tell you to do things contrary to the word of God then I believe you should go against them and obey God. The bible also says that Fathers are not to embitter their children..so sometimes the parents aren’t always in the right.
hey I am not supporting disobedient children tho’