Ephesians 4:30
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
How greatly my life must grieve the Holy Spirit! I am by no means living a terrible life by worldly standards. I grew up in the home of respectable parents; I was never sent to the principles office in elementary school and I somehow escaped the pressures of drinking, drugs, and premarital sex. Although my father is in law enforcement and restrictions often resembled maximum-security prison, I have never been arrested, convicted, or sent to jail. In fact, I have never even been pulled over for speeding or reckless driving (although that doesn’t make me innocent by any standard). Yet in all of this, I fail to live a consistent life resembling that of Ephesians 4:25-32.
What an incredible list of standards outlined for us by the Apostle Paul. Within this short passage he mentions several of the inside struggles so many of us wrestle with on a daily basis. Included in the list is sinful anger, bitterness, and unwholesome talk, just to name a few. Verse 30 reminds me of my Savior’s death and resurrection. “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by who you were sealed for the day of redemption.” How easy it is to forget the pain our Lord must feel every time we sin against Him. I by no means agree with the saying, “He feels the nails in His hands every time I sin.” The Bible says that He died once and for all for our sins. On the other hand, however, while His physical sufferings are complete, I hesitate to imagine the pain experienced within His heart. Kristie’s reminder this week convicts my spirit: “Are you living the life that Christ died to give you?” or are you grieving the Holy Spirit by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption?
I challenge you to read over Ephesians 4:25-32 and ask the Lord to convict you of the different areas in your life where you may be grieving the Holy Spirit. Upon salvation, you become a child of God and struggles such as these, regardless of how often we all partake of them, are unacceptable to the Lord. Once reading over the passage and allowing the Holy Spirit to search through your innermost being, I challenge you to make a commitment to the Lord. Single out the sin that grieves the Spirit the most and ask God for conviction every time you fall into temptation. Never forget that Jesus died that you might live. There is a road less traveled; not all have access to it, but those who do should by all means take it. What are you waiting for? There must arrive a day that Christ becomes more than just a name on paper but a way of life!
wow. that spoke straight at me. we all must admit, guilt has no place in our lives or relationships. especially our relationship with God. If there is, then I believe it’s time to reevaluate.