Titus 3: 1-2
Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed, to malign no one, to be uncontentious, gentle, showing every consideration for all men.
I have to say a quick look at this list reminds me that I am not a model of Christian perfection. Unfortunately, in my humanness, I often give in to my natural inclination to fight for myself and to look out for number one. But here I am reminded to work against my nature and live as Christ desires me to.
When I am reprimanded or corrected, is my natural reaction to be “subject to rulers, to authorities?” I would have to say no. My first response is a defense of why I think I’m right and then, if any level of conviction comes to me, I brush it off by saying that I couldn’t help myself.
In regards to obedience, I think I had a better grasp on this when I was a child. In our youth we are constantly receiving instruction from our parents and teachers. Obedience is a way of life. As we develop into adults, however, we are instructed to think for ourselves and to make our own decisions. So, in turn, when I am given an instruction, I most likely will explain away why I should not follow. I so often allow my pride to get in the way of God’s direction in my life. After all, a fully developed adult should make his or her own decisions, right?
Unfortunately, the Christian walk is one in which God asks us to step outside of every natural reaction and align ourselves with the person He has called us to be: “obedient, ready for every good deed.” In my obedience and surrender, I will learn to abandon my instincts of self-preservations and “be uncontentious, gentle, showing every consideration for all men.”
Today, I challenge you to bring with you a picture of the cross. Christ, being completely human, but at the same time, completely God, hung on a cross in humble obedience out of love for you and me. He watched them drive nails through His hands and feet and, looking out at the decrepit humanity that stood before Him, humbly accepted His position. I pray that today, and every day, the attitude of Christ would grow more in our hearts. When given instruction, whether by God or by those in authority over us, I pray that we would humbly obey, pursuing peace and honoring those placed over us. I pray that we would be gentle and show every consideration for all man so that they might know that face of Christ.