1 Peter 1:15
But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.
Talk about a tough job description, this verse is the hardest job description in the world! Who is there that can fulfill this command to be holy just as God himself is holy. How can anyone even begin to measure up to the perfection, justice, almightiness, righteousness, majesty, splendor, beauty, and excellence of the glorious God?
If we just sit and think about the thoughts that have passed through our minds in the last five minutes we instantly disqualify ourselves from this impossible calling. How then can God request of us something that is impossible for us to be? Yes, it is impossible for us to be holy ourselves, “but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish” (v. 19) it is possible. Praise to the gracious God that through the perfection of the glorious lamb without blemish, who is Jesus Christ, all our sinfulness is made holiness by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. We must remember that any striving of our own to in some way be holy is itself unholy. God knows we are born sinners in need of a savior and that is why he has “caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3).
my friend and i frequently talk about this since our theme for school this year is holiness. and it always confused us. thanks for posting this. =]
Excellent comments Cory.
Those that would stand against the once saved always saved positions out here would do well to read your commentary. Yes we can step away from our salvation by the complete rejection of God, but those that keep Him in our lives through Jesus Christ every day have the only hope and promise we can ask for.
Before we condemn, before we judge, before we pick up that stone to throw at our brothers and sisters we must look in the mirror. We will never find a completely satisfactory image there and must continue to work on improving what we see. Look long and hard at that image in the mirror and know that God did not send us to judge, to condemn but to share His love, grace and salvation that you in that mirror and everyone of us has His promise for hope and salvation from what we see.
Per Cory "Yes, it is impossible for us to be holy ourselves" and "think about the thoughts that have passed through our minds in the last five minutes"
Through God's grace only are we able to come to Him each day through Jesus Christ in regret of our sins and find His loving forgiveness. Yes Cory "So the impossible is made possible through the grace of God and the work of Jesus Christ".
May we look in the mirror before we speak and act.
Let there be peace on earth, let it begin with me.
I miss the devos…bring them back….please?