Job 13: 5
If only you would be altogether silent! For you that would be wisdom.
Have you ever been in a situation where you just needed someone to put their arms around you and tell you that they love you and that God loves you but, instead, they told you why you got yourself into the situation and advised you how to get out of it? That was the situation Job found himself in. Here he was trying to trust God, having no idea why he had lost everything and his “friends” were making matters worse.
The funny thing is that we recognize it when it is happening to us, but sometimes we turn around and give the people we love the most what they need the least; advice. There is a time for advice, but there is also a time to refrain from talking out loud; a time to let others know that you can’t fix it but you hurt with them. Then talk to God and ask Him to meet their need.