Genesis 1:26
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness… And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.
People tell me I look like my father. I take pride in that. Growing up, I loved to hear it. More than hearing it though, I loved to watch my dad’s reaction as he would suck up his chest and proudly accept the compliment. There’s a special bond created between a child and a father when they’re associated by appearance alone.
I have to believe that this is the same joy our heavenly Father experienced when He created man… when He created you. Genesis teaches us that we have been made in the image of God. As a species, man is like no other of God’s creations. We have been uniquely created in the image of our sovereign God. Even with the fallen state in which our world exists today, there are obvious differences between man and beast. Among the many distinctions is our ability to learn as a species, to make moral decisions, and to exercise our creativity. Man is distinctly different from our counterparts. We are created in the image of our Father.
Furthermore, as Christians, you and I have the additional blessing of being a “new creation.” Paul teaches us that we, “have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created [us]” (Colossians 3:14). As much as this is a privilege, it is a responsibility as well. You and I are to be representations of Christ to those who are ignorant of their Maker. When you hide your resemblance to God, you are expressing an unspoken shame. Jesus warns against this in Mark 8:38: “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His father with the holy angels.” On the other hand, and as I mentioned before, there’s a special bond created between a child and a father when they are associated by appearance alone. I pray that you would purposely represent Christ to those around you today. Take joy in the special creation you are!