Hebrews 12:3
For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart.
For consider Him… Who are we to think that our pain, grief, embarrassment, or some simple stress could even hold a light to that which our Lord and Savior so willingly put Himself through for us!
“I’m tired.” So what?
“Sunday’s the only day I have to myself.” You’re point?
“It’s embarrassing to pray for my lunch at school.” Christ hung naked on a cross for you!
What’s your excuse for taking your eyes off of Jesus? How do you justify your resistance to the Spirit’s conviction? Do you not yet realize that taking your eyes off of Christ is the very source of your discouragement?
Jesus Christ died a gruesome and horrible death so that you might live eternally with Him. He has shown you the course you must run, He has claimed your victory through His accomplishment, and now you would dare to consider your “grieves” too great a hindrance to continue running?
Consider Him! Consider the suffering He’s overcome for your sake.
How dare you sit on the sideline and wallow in your self-made pit of despair. Stand up. Return your eyes once again to the greatness of Him who has given you life. Take claim of the strength your entitled through Him.