Ecclesiastes 3:17
I said to myself, “God will judge both the righteous man and the wicked man,” for a time for every matter and for every deed is there.
You must learn how to let go of hatred. It is a noble cause to defend the faith. Titus 2:15 exhorts you to speak with authority and to let no one disregard you. You must be careful, though, that your defense of the just does not result in an ungodly hatred of those who practice such unjust lives around you.
God is the judge of both the righteous and the unrighteous alike. He is the only one holy enough to condemn another to spend eternity in hell. He is the only one sovereign enough to judge the hearts of all mankind. You and I possess no special license to hate the wicked, to condemn the impure, or to mock the lost. Rather, you and I have been given the duty of spreading the message of Christ. We are to preach the Word where it is rejected and to share Christ’s love where it is hated, but we are never to condemn the wicked. This is the Lord’s job and He alone will determine at what time that judgment shall fall.
Rather than judging the wicked around us, imagine if all Christians feared our God for His judgment of the righteous. Have we forgotten that we too will be judged? Have we forgotten that all of our actions will be accounted for on that final day? Do you not believe that what you do today will have consequences tomorrow? It’s easy to believe that God’s hatred of sin and judgment against injustice falls on the wicked alone. It’s comfortable to imagine God’s love and mercy as the only attributes capable of reaching the righteous. This is not true. How much greater must He be disgusted by the sins of the righteous than the sins of the wicked!