Jeremiah 33:3
Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.
When I was a kid, one of my favorite things to do was build a fort in the woods and to go exploring. As I walked through the woods, I would pretend no person had walked where I was walking and there was great treasure to be found… if I could only keep looking.
In this post modern world, treasure can be found in many places. As believers, we are told that our love and desire should focus and rest in our great God and His wonderful Son Jesus. And someplace in our minds we believe that.
The problem is that we look in other places before we ask God where to look. Some go to conferences looking for the latest in leadership skills to lead churches. Some go to disciple now’s (a good thing) to look for the answer to purity and community. Some go the book store looking for the latest in trends and technology to wow and amaze people. All the while, there is one who is waiting…
Our God is the beginning point for all wisdom and wonder. It is through Him and Scripture that we are able to learn boundless truths of who He is and what greatness he possesses. He desires that we begin with Him as we seek treasure.
We may think we are looking for one valuable thing, but He may have something greater He desires to show and give us. Mostly Him.
Make today the first day of your treasure hunt. But I pray that today your treasure would be Jesus. May you seek Him diligently, with passion, with fervor, with joy! May the treasure that is our salvation, our grace, our glory, our life be seen and found in Him today!