Smitten of God
Pierced through
Cut off out of the land of the living
Assigned with wicked men
Our Savior, out of His grace and love for us, chose the list above. Isaiah 52 and 53 detail the sufferings our Savior withstood so that He could bear our iniquities and justify many. He chose to be disfigured beyond recognition. He chose to be jeered and spit upon. He chose to be rejected by the Father. He chose all of this so that YOU would be saved.
He chose to die, so that we could choose to live for Him each day. What will you choose today? Will you choose time for yourself or time with God? Will you choose to spend your money on yourself or someone else? Will you choose to glorify yourself with slanderous talk or will you choose to bind your tongue for the glory of the Father?
Isaiah 53:11b and 12b
My Servant, will justify the many, as He will bear their iniquities.
Yet He Himself bore the sin of many and interceded for the transgressors.
Christ chose the list above so that we would choose to live for Him. He bought our souls so that we would know the joy of a life with the Father.