1 Corinthians 3:16
Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.
Don’t destroy your temple! What do I mean? Well, God lives in you right? In the Old Testament, God’s presence resided in the inner most part of the Jewish temple. What Paul is referring to here is a representation. Your body is like the Jewish temple. God resided in the temple, and He now resides in you.
What Paul was urging the early believers to do was to be careful of what they took into the temple. There were only certain things that could be brought into a Jewish temple, and those things had to be ceremonially cleansed first.
In modern day terms, I want to ask you. What kinds of things are you taking into your temple? What kinds of shows do you watch on Television? What music do you listen to? Is it God honoring? Could you imagine Jesus sitting next to you as you consume it? If not, you had better stop.
God wants us to stop polluting our spirits with junk. If God wouldn’t watch it, then neither will I. This was a big thing for me at one point in my life. But now that I have taken his advice, and stopped consuming junk, I have noticed a change.
I can hear God a lot easier, it is easier for me to function in my spiritual gifts, I can even think clearer.
Good on the devotions you've been doing lately, Corallie! 🙂