Romans 1:25
For they exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever, Amen.
Paul’s letter to the Romans begins with a harsh description of the world’s relationship with God. Verse 18 of chapter one says that, “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness…” They instinctively knew the ways of God (verse 19), but refused to giver honor to Him. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie (verse 25).
As Paul goes on to explain throughout the next several chapters, we who are Christians, have been saved from this condemnation. God’s “cup of wrath” (Mat 26:39) was poured out on Jesus when He died on the cross for our sins. Why then, do you continue to dwell in the sin of your previous, unbelieving lifestyle? The answer is found in Romans 1:25: You persist in exchanging the truth of God for the same lie that Satan tempted Adam and Eve with in the Garden of Eden. You worship the creation rather than the Creator.
Everything from the clothes you wear to your closest friend can come between you and God if you allow yourself to value it more than Him. Pop stars, Hollywood actors, car magazines and the television can all possess the same strange allure as the fruit in the Garden of Eden. And Satan’s familiar lie is the all to common denominator. He convinces you that you’re possession of this is more important than your relationship with God. It’s no wonder the wrath of God is being revealed on a humanity that embraces this ideal so tightly.