I was reading my friend’s blog this morning when I came across some interesting statistics about how young people (ages 16 to 29) view Christianity. As Alan points out, Christians should seriously consider these results in light of John 13:35. Here are some of the details:
- antihomosexual-91%
- judgemental-87%
- hypocritical-85%
- old-fashioned-78%
- too involved in politics-75%
- out of touch with reality-72%
- insensitive to others-70%
I have the following questions for you: How do you view the church? Do you think it is okay that people view Christianity like this? Why do you think people see Christianity like this? Should we try to change our public perception? How will your day look different in light of these statistics? Feel free to leave your comments here.
How do you define love? Your answer should be “The same way God does since He is the Creator and Definer of all things.” Therefore, how does God define love? Jesus said “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15). In Matt. 22:37-40, Jesus said “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and most important commandment. 39 The second is like it: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments.” In other words, these two commandments (f which you are to obey) are a summary of all the laws and prophets in the Old Testament — notice they are a summary not a replacement). How do you love God? You obey His commandments. How do you love your fellow man? You obey God’s laws as to how we are to interact and relate with our fellow man.
It is not anti-Christian, judgmental or hypocritical to call sin, sin. It is, however, anti-Christian to wink at sin as if it no longer matters. It is because of our sin that God sent His Son, Jesus, to die. God obviously hates sin with a perfect hate.
As far as your statistics above are concerned:
* antihomosexual-91%: God says homosexuality is sin. Therefore every one who claims Christ can do no different.
* judgemental-87%: If we judge others based on our own definition of morality, then yes we are being judgmental and we will be judged by the same measure. If we call sin what God calls sin, we are not being judgmental. Those who are slaves to sin are called to repent.
* hypocritical-85%: Hypocrisy is defined as “the assuming of a false appearance of virtue or religion; a deceitful show of a good character, in morals or religion; a counterfeiting of religion.” by Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary. Indeed, to some extent, everyone is a hypocrite. But keep in mind the definition, “a deceitful show…” There are many who claim Christ who are not Christians – they would be hypocrites.
* old-fashioned-78%: Why would I care if someone thinks I’m old fashioned? Fashions change every hour. I am to live by the eternal Word of God, not according to the whims of man.
* too involved in politics-75%: Matt. 28:18 “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” And again in Psalm 2:10-12 “Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. 11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.” All power is given to Christ, that includes power over the nations of the earth. The only problem with Christians in politics is if they think the State (government) is a means of earthly salvation. Christians should not be Statists. A “Christian” government does not make a Christian people, a Christian people will submit all things to the Word of God – including how civil government is defined and structured. The first government is self-government. Without this, nothing else will follow.
* out of touch with reality-72%: Again, God is the Definer of all things. Therefore He alone defines reality. It is the unbeliever who is out of touch with reality because they deny the existence and supremacy of God.
* insensitive to others-70%: Please define insensitive. If you mean intolerant, God is not tolerant of those who reject Him and His Son: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). If you mean that people do not like to be told that what they are doing is sin and that hurts their feelings, then that’s too bad. Is it more important to make sure no one gets their feelings hurt yet let them spend eternity in hell? However, if you mean that Christians lack feeling or compassion, then you are painting with a very broad brush. Are there those who claim to be Christians who are insensitive? Sure there are — Christians are people too. They make mistakes and commit sin.
If you are waiting to find a perfect Christian before you’ll believe then you should look no further than Jesus Himself – for He is the only one who is perfect. Then if you truly believe, then you should spend the rest of your life seeking to obey Him — not because your obedience saves you, but because He saved you from your own sin!
In our current culture, we have turned “love” into some relativistic, humanisticly defined mushy feeling. We have lost sight of the Biblical principle that love is explicitly tied to obedience to God.