Artist: Olivia the Band
Album: Self-Titled
Label: Essential
Release: 2005
Type: Straight Edge Punk / Surf Punk
If you like: MxPx, Fenix TX, Pennywise, Hangnail
It is about time that a band like Olivia the Band hits the scenes! Named for the loss of guitarist Justin Abilla’s baby sister, this band’s sound has received my attention. To say, “a band has come a long way,” is so true with this group. Not only are they a good punk band, but also they were originally miles away in Hawaii!
Now in San Diego, this four-man team is making music reminiscent of the early days of punk’s evolution. Their style is a throw back to the days of straight edge punk, much like past punk bands or early MxPx. There’s nothing really new with this band’s sound, but the combination of a strong drive and the occasional mix of surf punk is refreshing. I have not truly heard any surf punk coming out of the Christian music scene, so this is something unique.
Though this is the first major release of the band, the lyrics are extremely bold and unashamed. Olivia the Band is very devoted to not allowing their message to waver. The lyrics are focused on worship and prove to inspire one’s faith. Song “39” declares the sacrifice of Jesus in a fast and steady sound proves to be one of many reasons why to appreciate music like this; the bridge is really good too.
Their track “Heaven” is a slower song about the returning triumph of Jesus and the days after. It is great to hear, “We’ll sing out together and dance to no end, and fall on our faces with praises.” “Saturday” is a song about thanking the Father for the opportunities of each day and not taking anything for granted. Wind in your hair and nothing but the road before you, only thing to do…go surfing and enjoy God’s gift of appreciating his creation. Their harmony is really shown off in “Missing,” which is their acoustic ending track that brings closure to the album. I must point out that “Stars & Stripes” features some nice use of the cowbell. Thanks guys I love the cowbell!
Now I love you sound engineers, but let this band’s sound maintain its rawness. It works! Here is the formula to make you a bona fide fan. Go the band’s website and view their music video for their song “Saturday.” Once this has been accomplished, close your eyes and picture the perfect day. This video should play over and over. From me, kudos to the band for producing the best music video seen in a long time! Not many videos are as successful in being as captivating as “Saturday.” While Olivia the Band probably does not appeal to all listeners, it does appeal to those looking for music that has not been over polished. In a time where the punk sound is plagued with being cleaned up too much and sounding manufactured, Olivia the Band is a relief.